Thursday, December 27, 2007

Slang Life - We play till the end of Second Life ... and a day longer :)

Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy (The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity) is the biggest and most prosperous charity organization in Poland. Its objectives, included in the status document, are saving children's lives, health promotion and education in the field of preventive treatment. Between 1993 and 2006 The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity has collected and spent over $65 mln for saving lives. Besides humanitarian work, the Foundation is also a powerful medium spreading the ideology of kindness, friendship, tolerance, and openness.

The Great Finale is the basis for all the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity's projects. It is one day long, nation-wide money gathering. All the revenues are turned over to The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. Such attitude allows us to achieve one of the most important goals which is creating the spirit of community, friendship, and unity.

In the past years the GOCC was gathering money for cardio-surgery for children, neonatology, pediatric oncology, rescue of accidents' victims, treatment for kidney's diseases and for congenital defects.
This year, on the 16th Finale, we will be gathering money for medical equipment that can save children with diseases of ears, nose, throat and larynx (for example children with tumours in these areas or with severe burns of respiratory tract).

The GOCC is all around the World. Polish communities living abroad have been organizing events celebrating Finals for many years. Wherever there’s Polish spirit, there’s also the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity!

Please contact Uzi Boa in Second Life (IM) to learn more about GOCC in SlangLife.

Don't Drink and Drive - SLANG LIFE for sober driving!

Every single injury and death caused by drunk driving is totally preventable. Although the proportion of crashes that are alcohol-related has dropped dramatically in recent decades, there are still far too many such preventable accidents. Unfortunately, in spite of great progress, alcohol-impaired driving remains a serious global problem that tragically effects many victims annually.

Impaired driving is no accident. It is a violent crime that kills. Every 30 minutes someone in America dies because of an impaired driver. Every two minutes someone is injured. You, your family or your friends could be next.

Think Twice - DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE - there is only ONE real life!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Slang Life Lives!

On the 15th of December Slang Life Island bloomed with events :) There were lectures on alternative societies, life rock concert, building workshop, street racing. Slang Life opened it's own gallery as well. The official opening (with the presence of a very special guest - Stefan Gunawan - the art director of the Virtual Museum Of Art was a great experience. The Gallery features Gottfried Helnwein in december. All the art pieces by kind permission of VMOA.

I would like to encourage you to subscribe Slang Life for free via its website:

I also encourage you to visit the SlangLife Island !! The Winter has come to town!!

aHead CEO - Cezary Fish

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Optimising Slang Life for WindLight

Last week we managed to fully optimise the SlangLife island for the new viewer introduced for testing purposes by the Second Life creators - Linden Lab. The viewer is called WindLight, and most probably it will soon replace the old client version.
WindLight offers many new features. It allows users to set their own values of ambient lighting as well as sky and water features. It enourages the users to create their own "mindscapes", to add the personal touch to the feel of the places they visit.
Among the few disadvantages, that would probably be soon removed, are the unperfect display of alpha channels and shiny textures. We mainly focused on those aspects while optimising the islands content.

We suggest that everyone judges for himself, wheather we succeed in this one. Following are the pictures taken within the premises of the optimised SlangLife island. To see the overall effect we suggest to visit the SlangLife island on your own, with the use of the new WindLight :)

Cezary Fish - aHead CEO

Optymalizacja Slang Life do przeglądarki WindLight

W ciągu ostatniego tygodnia udało nam się w pełni zoptymalizować wyspę SlangLife do nowej, testowej przeglądarki Second Life o nazwie WindLight, która prawdopodobnie już wkrótce całkowicie zastąpi dotychczas używaną wersję.
WindLight daje nowe, znacznie szersze możliwości operowania oświetleniem naturalnym, właściwościami nieba i wody. Pozwala na kreowanie niezwykle "klimatycznych" pejzarzy i budowanie atmosfery miejsca.
Do nielicznych wad, które prawdopodobnie już wkrótce zostaną usunięte, należy niedoskonała obsługa kanałów alfa i odbić. Przy optymalizacji skupiliśmy się głównie na eliminowaniu potencjalnych kłopotów z ich wyświetlaniem.

Sami Państwo oceńcie, czy się to nam udało. Poniżej SlangLife w nowej krasie, ale w celu obejrzenia pełnego efektu zapraszamy do Second Life na wyspę SlangLife z użyciem przeglądarki WindLight :)

Cezary Fish - dyrektor generalny aHead

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Wyspa Slang Life - Wielkie Otwarcie w Second Life

Pierwszego Grudnia, dokładnie o północy, dokonaliśmy oficjalnego otwarcia wyspy SlangLife. Wyspa jest główną siedzibą Slang Life Magazine, pierwszego magazynu o Second Life , który będzie drukowany w Prawdziwym Życiu i dostarczany DARMOWO do domów subskrybentów na całym świecie z pomocą poczty.

W styczniu 2008 firma Slang Corp. wyda pierwszy numer magazynu Slang Life poświęconego wirtualnej rzeczywistości Second Life. Magazyn będzie wydawany w języku angielskim, najbardziej popularnym w Second Life. Każdy numer Slang Life będzie zawierał nowinki i omówienia z takich dziedzin jak: polityka, podróże, moda czy rozrywka. Darmowy miesięcznik wydawane w formacie A4, zawierający 48 stron druku, będzie rozsyłany do subskrybentów na całym świecie. Każdy zainteresowany awatar może otrzymać go pocztą w Prawdziwym Życiu. Spodziewany nakład to 80.000 egzemplarzy.

Poniżej prezentujemy zdjęcia z oficjalnego otwarcia wyspy, na które złożyły się: oficjalne przemowy (króciutkie :), pokaz mody autorstwa Soraya Blachere oraz totalnie odjazdowa impreza!

1. A oto jak rozpoczęliśmy na Grand Plaza w Slang City

2. Oficjele zdecydowali się nie używać trybuny. Mowy zostały wygłoszone pośród przybyłych licznie gości, co stanowiło bardzo miły, osobisty akcent.

3. Pokaz mody autorstwa amerykańskiej (niemieckiej? :) projektantki Soraya Blachere był fantastycznym przerywnikiem.

4. Bardzo późno w nocy (jak na warunki europejskie) rzuciliśmy się w wir zabawy, która trwała do białego rana!!!

Niech Żyje Second Life - Niech Żyje Slang Life! Spodziewajcie się pierwszego egzemplarza na początku stycznia. Nie zapomnijcie o subskrypcji! Wystarczy odwiedzić SlangLife Island w SL.
Tam można jej dokonać - całkowicie bezpłatnie!

Slang Life Island - The Grand Opening in Second Life

On the first of December, exactly at midnight, we officially opened The SlangLife Island. It is a headquarter for Slang Life Magazine, the first ever magazine about Second Life to be printed in Real Life and delivered to all the subscribers' homes absolutely FREE of charge.

In January 2008 the Slang Corp. company starts publishing a new global magazine Slang Life devoted to the virtual reality of the Second Life. The magazine will be published in English, the most popular language in the Second Life. Every number of Slang Life will contain information about the most important and interesting events from such domains as politics, tourism, fashion and entertainment. The free, A4-size, 48-page-long monthly will be distributed only among the subscribers. Each avatar interested in the magazine will receive it through the post at home in the real life. Expected edition is 80.000 copies.

Following are a few pictures from the opening which consisted of official speaches (short ones:), a fashion show by Soraya Blachere and a totally weird party!

1. This is how we started the show at the Grand Plaza of the Slang City

2. The officials decided not to use the stage. They made their speaches standing among the guests, which was really nice.

3. The fashion show by american (german? :) designer Soraya Blachere was a fantastic intermezzo.

4. Very late at night (for the European standards) we started to party. The party lasted till dawn!!!
Long Live Second Life - Long Live Slang Life! Expect the first issue at you door in the beginning of January. Do not forget to subscribe! Vistit SlangLife Island in SL.