Friday, April 25, 2008

Educational Possibilities in Second Life - April 19th, 2008

The conference is divided into three consecutive weekends starting from April 19th, 2008.
I hereby present you with a "summary" of Jarek Dejavu's presentation from April 19th, 2008.

Jarek Dejavu*, the founder of the DEJA VU INTERNATIONAL,

Ladies and gentleman, thank you for your warm welcome and sorry for delay. More then 1 year ago, when secondlife started to be popular in czech republic, I have came here for the first time and realized its posibilities. Only one thing has been missing here that time. It was a terible silence here.
So I sat down and cause I am experienced programmer working for years with voice systems and I did first voice to chat and chat to voice interface for SL. At first for my own use, but I found it can be one of the ways. The main thing is that my interface is the very first which does not need the speaker to use it, but which is client side, so each of you can install it on your computer (if its windows machine) and hear anybody, not only the ones who are speaking, but the ones who are just writing and thats whats so revolutional on it. You decide if to hear other or not, so you have free choice to read or to hear, to speak or to write (speech recognition is part of it).
Ok - so this was our first atempt to enhance posibilities of SL and it was first success too. Nevertheless real voice came to SL later, so nowadays its not so important, but can help a lot, cause you can i.e. be having classes for students and let them hear what you are writing by this interface and i.e. write english and speak french, cause using translator it can read by french voice all what you are writing in english.
So the posibilities of this interface are still great concerning educational purposes.

I am now working on advanced version with improved speech recognition system and incomporated translator, etc.

Our next product which helps with education in SL is SCULPT SPEED 3D sculpties editor. It was again one of the first editors done especialy for SL and now there is a new version ready to deploy. This product helps people in SL who don't know how to use complicated 3D editors to be doing their 3D models in easy way. The interface of this 3D editor is very simple and average SL user would be able to master in in few minutes or hours compared to complicated systems, where it can take weeks and months.

And finaly third educational product which my company is working on is advancement of the scripting editor for LSL. This our system is monitoring clipboard and when you will take to the clipboard some part of the name of the LSL function. It will complete it for you including definitions of the variables etc., so it is a big help for students of LSL language or general programming. So as you can see, our company is aimed on educational and productivity tools very much.
In almost two years which I spent in SL I found a lot of ways how SL can help in educating and did a lot of things which can help students to work in SL. And in future, we are preparing much more of interesting tools for all who are interested in creating virtual worlds.

Ladies and gentleman, but our afforts in Czech republic and Slovakia are going even behind this frontiers. Last week I have acquired new domain for our educational projects ( cause I think that SL is only first but not final virtual world and that there will be soon even better made worlds letting professionals to learn and to cooperate worldwide. SL is real phenomene which is changing education as we know it in never seen way. One can sit here in europe and to study language in USA at the same moment i.e. one can sit on classes of programming which is holding somebody on the other side of the world. Never in human history it was so easy to be learning. All what we have to do is to take the chance which we are having here and bring people worldwide this vast area to be sharring knowledge......

Thank you for your attention

*Jarek Dejavu presentation was a bit adopted from the original for easier reading (timestamps removed, etc...

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